Knit Cafe Leftovers
This is a public service announcement, brought to my attention by sometime knitter, Brit O. Most of the leftover yarn, books and magazines from the closing of our beloved Knit Cafe have ended up at Berda Paradise Thrift Store, 3506 W Sunset Blvd, Silverlake. Berda's also has appliances, books, silverware, dishes, clothes....all sorts of stuff!

Berda's is in the mini-mall containing Alegria Restaurant and the Baskin-Robbins, close to Golden Gate Ave., on Sunset Blvd., between Hyperion and Silverlake Ave. Celebrities have recently been spotted at Alegria. Hmm? One-stop shopping? Lunch at Alegria, a little yarn shopping at Berda's, topped off by a mint-coco-chip cone at B-R. Sounds about perfect to me.

Just to entice you, below are some yummy meals from Alegria....a divine restaurant!
Chile Rellenos
Supreme Vegie Platter
Labels: Los Angeles, yarny stuff
Yarn AND food! How I wished I lived in L.A.
If I know you (and I do!), I know all the good stuff was snarfed up on your lunch hour!!!
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